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ASP.NET Identity Assemblies

ASP.NET Identity Assemblies
There are three important assemblies used for creating Identity. These assemblies help the programmer in developing the Identity without writing thousands of lines of code in ASP.NET MVC application. These important assemblies are:
  1. Microsoft.Asp.Net.Identiy.Core
  2. Microsoft.Asp.Net.Identiy.EntityFramework
  3. Microsoft.Asp.Net.Identiy.Owin


This package has the Entity Framework implementation of ASP.NET Identity which will persist the ASP.NET Identity data and schema to SQL Server.
This package has the core interfaces for ASP.NET Identity. This package can be used to write an implementation for ASP.NET Identity that targets different persistence stores such as Azure Table Storage, NoSQL databases etc.
This package contains functionality that is used to plug in OWIN authentication with ASP.NET Identity in ASP.NET applications. This is used when you add sign in functionality to your application and call into OWIN Cookie Authentication middleware to generate a cookie.

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